Please read first ...
Terms and Conditions handbook
Please tick the box below to confirm that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with our Terms and Conditions.
I agree to the Terms and Conditions of Grey Lynn Farmers Market.
Business name
What is the name of your stall?
Name of primary stall contact
Who should the market be communicating with?
First name
Last name
Email address of primary contact
Mobile phone of primary contact
Landline number of primary contact
If you have a landline number
Business address
What is the address of your stall business?
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3
Address line 4
Name of partner contact
If you have a business partner we should know about
Email address of partner contact
Mobile phone number of partner contact
Business Website address
If you have a website
Facebook page address
If you have a Facebook page for your business
If you have a Instagram page for your business
Have you previously had a stall at Grey Lynn Farmers Market?
What other markets, if any, do you sell at?
List the markets you sell at.
Tell us about what you would like to sell
Briefly describe your stall
What are the main products you want to sell?
Tell us about any other products you would like to sell?
Do you have a current council-approved food plan?
Have a look at this Council website page if you are unsure
It is pending
Not sure if I need one
My business does not need one
Organic/ Free-range/ Spray-free status
Which of these best describe your products?
1. Certified Organic
2. Not certified - Close to Organic
3. Not certified - Some Organic products
4. Free-range products - not Organic
5. Spray-free products - not Organic
6. Not Organic, not free-range, and not spray-free
Vegan Status
Which of these best describe your products?
1. All vegan products
2. Mostly vegan products
3. Some vegan products
4. No vegan products
Gluten-Free Status
Which of these best describe your products?
1. All gluten-free - suitable for Coeliacs
2. Mostly gluten-free - not guaranteed for Coeliacs
3. Some gluten-free products
4. No gluten-free products
What is the source of your products?
We want to know if your business is the grower or maker of the stall products.
1. Make/grow all products
2. Make/grow most products
3. Make/grow some products
4. Source products from New Zealand
5. Source products from overseas
Is your business seasonal?
We want to know if you will be away for some of the year because of seasonal factors.
If your business is seasonal, please tick the months that you will mostly be able to sell at the market.
This is just to give us a broad idea of when you will be able to be at the market. We know that some businesses will have some down time.
01. January
02. February
03. March
04. April
05. May
06. June
07. July
08. August
09. September
10. October
11. November
12. December
Please describe how your products are packaged
Describe the materials that your packaging is made of. We are interested in whether it is compostable, reusable etc.
Tell us what you need for your stall
When are you hoping to start selling at Grey Lynn Farmers Market?
How often are you hoping to be at the market?
This is an indication of your plans but is not used as a booking.
Most/every week
Once every 3 to 4 weeks
Just once
Where would you prefer to have your stall?
Inside - I need to borrow a table
Inside - I have my own table(s)
Outside - I have a gazebo(s)
Outside - other
How much space do you need?
Inside - one table
Inside - two or more tables
Outside - one gazebo up to 3m x 3m
Outside - longer than 3m
Do you need electricity?
Do you want to cook at the market?
If you will be cooking you will need the following safety precautions:
Fire blanket
Dry powder fire extinguisher
Stable/safe cooking surface
Thank you
Thank you for applying to be at our market.
If you have any supporting photos, please email them to the Market Manager at manager@GreyLynnFarmersMarket.co.nz
If you haven't received an acknowledgment of this application within seven days, please email the Market Manager at manager@GreyLynnFarmersMarket.co.nz or phone 021 928202.
Please check the highlighted fields